My good friend Brian, "Grimey" if you knew him when we all skated in Nashville, has lived a long journey. From our humble skate punk beginnings, he moved on to SoCal, started eightballin' and at the same time going to the Krishna temple for free vegetarian food (we both became veg at the same time and still are, its been 17 years). This lead him to a glorious life in India for many years teaching and learning. I found him again via Christine, when his last broad brushstroke was a fashion label mentioned on style.com (trasteverine.com), she sent it over to me. We have since picked up like it was still 1992. (though admittedly, we are both so busy now, I really never see him). He is currently working on a myriad of projects in a style all his own.
Any how, he has this great blog now, a mix of ancient patterns, Krishna, and ambient music. If you know him at all now, you can't think of a better description or personal window.
visit it here...
I have added it to my daily reads recently, and I might even use that glove pattern holmes.
(oh, and that Simpons characters name, always reminds me of his name. haha)