These have to be the sickest vehicles you can buy new right now. Based on the most classic of off-road AWD's and hand built in California, they are perfectly nondescript in all black, while the only other color option they offer, sand, maybe works better for their "old school" model. While I like the attention to detail given to the models they call "old school" and of course I have always admired those older Toyota Land Cruisers and Jeeps they are referencing, I think the new school all black FJ43 is the way I would choose --that'd be the one in the middle, the longer wheel base jeep. That is of course if I had a spare 100+ thousand dollars around. Even then, I am not sure my first purchase would be a vehicle. This is one for the aspiration book though for sure. Nice to see they rebuild older authentic models as well check them out in the inventory section
Check out their nicely designed site for all the gritty details and lots more lusty photos...