Saturday, April 26, 2008

weekend fun.

I was recently browsing, hadn't been there in a second since has been around (excellent, eclectic downloads!), however Raj re-did all the mix formats and archived them, and, it's really nice. Here and below is Jeff and Dave's, my partners, jkettle x coolhands mix from 2004.

Click for TONS more mixes and goodness.

Also a bit more on the music front, I found this amazing site in my searches.

A few items to look out for and note-

-Lordz of Brooklyn (I had forgotten how good this was)
-The Jaz (yeah with Jay-Z, we were never able to sell these when I worked at Phonoluxe Used Records in Nashville, it's amazing now)

Lastly, a little bit of political fun, and, btw, can we have this election already?!?!? haha. (seriously though, I am ready to move on.)

And, oh yeah, I am really digging the Macarena these days. "Hey Macarena!"