"The Art of CYRK Posters
During the golden era for the Polish Posters (c.1945-1980), the most recognized subject and the most highly acclaimed posters were CYRK Polish Circus posters. For approximately a quarter century, CYRK posters achieved a remarkable artistic quality as well as an unmatched degree of popularity.
These contemporary CYRK posters were first created in 1962, when the state circus agency, the United Entertainment Enterprises (ZPR), commissioned leading artists to develop a modern approach to the circus poster. The ZPR wanted a revised look for the circus poster to parallel the circus' efforts to upgrade its image. These new CYRK posters were not to be advertisements presenting concrete objects, people, or facts; but rather, they were to be artistic renderings reminding the public that an exciting and modern circus was coming to town. Based usually on a single theme, their metaphors and allusions created a wonderful artistic expression that should be viewed, but should also be read, pondered, and digested....
Jan Mlodozeniec is a Master of Polish poster design. He was born in 1929 and is considered one of the most outstanding artist in Poland in last 50 years. He's a graduate of Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts, with specialization in book and magazine layouts, studio graphic work and posters.
Major awards: Honorary Mention at National Exhibition of Book Illustration, Posters and Small Graphic Forms in Warsaw; award at 1st National Biennial of Posters in Katowice, 1965; First Price at 2nd Biennial of Applied Graphic in Brno, 1966; Silver and Bronze Medals at 4th and 7th National Biennial of Posters in Katowice (in 1971 and 1977 respectively); Silver Medals at International Book Fairs in Leipzig, East Germany (1965 and 1971); Gold Medal at 8th International Biennial of Posters in Warsaw (1980); Gold Medal at 5th International Biennial of Posters in Lahti, Finland (1983).
Jan Mlodozeniec passed away in late 2000."
Text via postingposters.blogspot.com/
more here...
www.polish-poster.com/ jan-mlodozeniec.htm
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